South of Round Rock, Texas
Well, I'm almost recovered from the Thanksgiving Iowa-to-Texas Goodwill Tour. I was in alot of airports that week... As it turned out I had a lovely time. I have the best friends in all the whole entire universe. They are just always right there for me - even if they don't know what to do next.
Eric and I flew down on Wednesday and ended up catching an earlier flight from Houston to Austin. That was cool. Mitch, Greg, and Mitch's girlfriend Laura arrived at about the same time so all worked out pretty well. We went out to Papasito's Wednesday night (my very favorita Mexican restaurant).
A festive holiday all around. We had a lovely dinner on Thursday with turkey and all the trimmings including WHOLE BERRY cranberry sauce! It was sort of in the shape of a can, but kind of lumpy. I still can't figure out how Kenny gets that stuff to look like a can every year...
That day I did have another fainting episode, but Mitch and Greg (and the rest) were right there to help. Greg even sat on the floor with me for a while while I recovered. And Jill took my blood pressure, which was kind of normal. I'm going to have to revisit that little problem with the Doctor sometime.
The rest of the time I spent there was absolutley wonderful and stress-free. We went to Ikea (a marvelous landscape), caught the new Bond flick (yummy!), and had a picnic near the Round Rock. Greg took photos which he was nice enough to share with me. Visit his blog An Analog Man in a Digital World.
There’s something goin’ down in the little town
South of Round Rock Texas
They greet you with a smile like its goin’ out of style
South of Round Rock Texas
They do the two-step to every song that’s played
You can keep your new step they like it their own way
The music is alive and kickin’ every night
South of Round Rock Texas

Now nothing can compare to the ladies you find there
South of Round Rock Texas
They’re sweet as you please, got loads of hospitality
South of Round Rock Texas

If you ever go there you’re gonna wanna stay
If you’re ever leavin you’ll be back again one day
There’s something ‘bout these parts, man they live inside your heart.
South of Round Rock Texas

They do the two-step to every song that’s played
You can keep your new step they like it their own way
The music is alive, it’s kickin’ every night
South of Round Rock,
South of Round Rock,
Just south of Round Rock Texas
~ Dale Watson, Cheatin' Heart Attack

Thank you again to my gracious hosts, Kenny and Jill. And thank you to my old friends Greg and Mitch and my new friend, Laura.
More news - I have a job interview tomorrow in Des Moines at a place called "The Iowa League of Cities." Does that sound like a Superman-comic-booky-type of thing? Jill says maybe I'll get to wear a cape! "The LEAGUE OF CITIES commands you!" I can't wait. I will let you know how it goes.
I wanted to start putting up Christmas decorations today, but didn't quite get things cleaned up the way I wanted yet. This has to be the earliest I have actually even wanted to start decorating. I even have a "craft" project that I think I'm going to do. Well, all this depends on the whole job situation of course.
I didn't make any profound discoveries except for one. Airports are really big and you have to walk alot. But it's worth it to get to spend time with your best buddies and then you get to come home to your kitties. Both of whom will love you unconditionally and occasionally lick your face.