Takin' What They're Givin' Cuz I'm Workin' For A Livin'
Well, the rest of the Hospital Chronicles is kind of boring. The next Monday I had an X-Ray that showed everything had healed and then they let me DRINK and eventually EAT and then they let me go home. I was off for about another 2 weeks and then started back to work part-time from home only (under strict orders from Stephanie, the PA-C). So that was fine, and then on August 15, I started back to work full time. Thank GAWD! I need MONEY!
So things are going okay. I have been eating food with little incident, except on occasion, I will have a reflux kind of thing where I know the food is in the stomach, but it feels like I have to throw up. Actually it's kind of like when you have to belch, but you can't and your chest and everything hurts! That really bugs me but I have dealt with it. I think the reason is, that I just get too excited about food! Every time we go out with Joe and Eric I'm always begging them to order something so I can smell it, or they can eat it and then tell me what it tastes like, what it feels like in their mouth, etc. (easy, there Greg - you have a dirty mind).
Yes I live vicariously through others when it comes to food. I guess food has been such a huge part of my life, it's hard to let go all at once. I honestly don't think I could go back to eating the way I did before even if it was possible, I wouldn't do that. It's not worth it. What is worth it is to have my knees feel about 80% better than they ever have. And be able to sit in the car without my belly rubbing on the steering wheel.
There are little setbacks that happen but overall I think this was a great idea. I'm getting stronger and more confident every week and I actually feel better about myself. It's weird because I never really thought I had a self-esteem problem, but as it turns out I guess I did.
Last weekend at the Hy-Vee, I was walking out of the store with my sacks and there was a kind of a dirty guy standing outside eating a hamburger. He was poorly dressed and kind of smelly and had 2 wacky eyes. He raised his hand and said "How'r you doin' today?"
"Fine. Thanks," I replied and started walking briskly toward my car. I glanced to the left and he was walking right next to me.
"Are you single?" he inquired.
"Um, no. I'm not single." I kept walking. He hung his head dejectedly. "Oh, that's too bad," he lamented, "because you sure are lookin' good."
"Thanks. Bye." I stated as I unlocked the car door and jumped inside.
Anita got in the car and asked what that was all about. The guy hit on me. So THIS is the type of man I'm destined to attract now? The creepy, smelly guy with the wacky eyes eating a hamburger outside the Hy-Vee?? I eventually took the whole incident as a compliment and got on with my life. How could you not? Maybe he was an extremely wealthy kook like Howard Hughes....mmmm, nope. Probably not. But stay tuned, you may get a wedding invite from me and one of these guys.

So, I will keep on keepin' on... there is MUCH more to come in the next few weeks...