The Hospital Chronicles Part II - Episode 2: "nuuhggh"
The title: an homage to Terry Schaivo's blog... It was fun while it lasted.
As I lay in the hospital the next morning - after the whole pooping thing with the lady in the room and all. Then the doctor came in, but it was Dr. Shoopinstein (I really can't remember his name, but it was weird like that) and he was the Dr. on call because it was a Saturday and I knew that Dr. K. would be busy making whoopee in the new boat that I bought him. Anyway, the nurse is there and he says that he is going to start me on the feeding tube today ("nuhh..."). Well, this was upsetting to me and I started crying. I hate that about myself. But it was one of those things where you are thinking - was this the right thing to do at this time? Am I going to get through this? How long will this go on? Etc.
So they started the tube and later that day I was given a private room. That was just fine with me. In fact, I think it was the best thing that ever happened to me (until later that week). So here I am in my own room, with my feeding tube and no food and no water - just the sponge on a stick. I grew to hate that sponge. It mocked me. But I did have the NG tube taken out which was a big improvement too.
Nothing else of consequence happened in particular that day and the rest of that night. I did have a male nurse tech named Steve who was very nice, but who I didn't let wipe my butt. I just wasn't ready for that kind of intimacy yet and I apologized to him.
So here it is August already and even though I am still having difficulties eating solid food, I am feeling a little better. I have lost a total of 74 pounds so far so I had Anita take some photos and I thought I would give you a glimpse of the old me and the new me (so far).

Sorry about not smiling - I was in a hurry and explaining to Anita how to take the picture. I will try and get some better pictures in the future - when I'm even skinnier!
Congrats on the loss to date and keep up the good work!!!
Look at you all slimmin' down and all! I looked on the web and you can get your own sponge on a stick for only $3.00!!! 10 for $25.00!!! Checkit:
It's from Nature... with love.
So what's the difference between an NG tube and a feeding tube?
You rock, I await the next episode.
Wow! As I said in the grocery store. You "wuk mahvo-lus" ala Billy Crystal. Congrats and stick with it. Good things come to those who wait (I'm sure you are one of those).
Netty, Just wanted you to know that I am so proud of you !!!!! You always find something to laugh about, even on the darkest days. You are the bravest woman I know, Other than Charlotte, who is equally proud of you! I hope I have helped in some small way. You are going to be as beatuiful outside as you are on the inside!!!! There will be no stopping you!
Love forever, Anita
Jill sent me your site. Well!!! I must say, you are an amazing woman. Congrat's! I celebrate you!! Now, keep traveling toward your goal. You deserve it! I'll be checking in every now and then.
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