The First Day of the Rest of ... oh you know...
First I want to say thank you to those who left such womderful and meaningful comments for me. I appreciate your support and love so much and I can really feel it. I love you guys.
The old cliche is really true. It is a new day for me. Yesterday I had a Dr. appointment where I got a good review. My blood test revealed that I need to take calcium and iron (oh goody - to those who have never taken iron supplements, it makes your bathroom experiences very interesting). So that was a good thing. I made some phone calls when I got back and drove out to Staples and then to the Post Office. Then I came home and had a nap. That's right - I laid down with Skittles and we had a CAT NAP. Right there on a Monday. Amazing. I know that will all end once I'm working full time again, but right now - it's what me and Skittles needed to do.
My last day at work was last Friday. It was very surreal. Tim (the temp guy) is completely overwhelmed. I don't think he's going to take the job if they offer it to him. It's not just a technical job, it's policy, dealing with people and groups of people, meetings (lots of meetings), and whatever else you can think of.
So then they had a "party" for me where they had a giant cake - in pink no less! Everyone who happened to be there at central office was there. It was a Friday in September and usually lots of people take the rest of their vested leave days toward the end of September so folks are scarce. They gave me a gift, which was a pink leather purse from Younkers. It's beautiful. The rest of the day I spent deleting stuff off my computer and putting sticky notes on the piles of work and papers on my desk. Bizarre.
So I left about 4:00 and came home with all my gifts (Angela and Christy also gave me presents), and then Jeff, Anita and I went to Ames to Hickory Park for dinner. We talked a little bit about work on the way there and then I decided not to even think about MICA for the rest of the weekend.
Saturday Joe and Eric took us to the Planned Parenthood book sale at the state fair grounds - and No, it wasn't to buy books about planned parenthood. The proceeds from the sale went to the organization. So I picked up a few books and that was fun.
Sunday was football day and I made black bean chili. It came out pretty tasty! I'm getting back into cooking because it's such a nurturing experience for me, that I really missed it. As long as I stick to my rules and try to make lower fat dishes, I will be just fine. I'm down below 300 pounds now, and it's been a while since I've been this weight. I think I was 8...
Anyway so I am officially unemployed (right now) and feeling very footloose and fancy free at the moment. I'm sure that will change, but for now, in the words of the hardest workin' man in show business - I FEEL GOOD! NA NA NA NA NA NA NA! I KNEW THAT I WOULD NOW!