Happy New Year!

So after a successful and fun Christmas holiday in Marshalltown, it is now the eve of 2007. I have had some time to contemplate and here is my list for the year.
Things I Did That I'm Proud Of
I had 2 operations and a procedure to help me lose weight.
I lost 140 pounds.
I quit a job that had been my career for 13 years but was unhealthy for me.
I sat in a booth in a restaurant.
I can wash my entire back without a brush.
I can sit indian style when playing my guitar again.
I cut my hair and colored it for the first time in several years.
Things I Did That I'm Not so Proud Of
I put off finding out why I couldnt' eat without throwing up.
I haven't exercized as much as I should have.
I ate sugar tonight (I'm going to regret this tomorrow morning).
Things I Haven't Done Yet But I Want to Do This Year
Find a job at which I'm happy where I can make some money.
Lose 50 more pounds.
Have my hernia fixed.
Have a face lift and boob lift (this might have to wait until 2008 depending on the whole money situation).
Go to Cedar Point and ride each roller coaster 3 times.
Visit my friends in Colorado and at least put ON a pair of skis.
Clean my home office and paint it.
Things That Bug Me
Fancy Feast Cat Food advertises a new line of cat food which it says is "restaurant inspired." Here's a clue: Cats don't care. They have no concept of what "poached salmon florentine in a delicate sauce with greens" even means. If they had a choice, cats would eat the intestines and brains out of a cold, dead rat. Organ meats are what they like - it's the best part! These ads have to stop.
People wearing pajamas to Wal-Mart. What is up with this? When did it become okay to go anywhere you please in your pajamas? I know the weather has been nice, but come on... these crackers need to put on some PANTS!
My car battery is dead. I went out this morning to go to the Hy-Vee and nothing happened. I called Joe and he and Eric came over and jumped me. I went to Wal-Mart Auto and the guy there said they can't service my Chrysler because the battery is under the front fender and they are not equipped to do it. I don't know why, but oh well. I guess I'll call John Helfer on Tuesday. (did I mention that I'm in love with John Helfer?)
In conclusion...
I would like to start the new year on a positive note, so as I sit here alone at the computer, I am not alone. All my friends and family are with me and I hope they know I am with them. Thanks for a great year and I am looking forward to big things in 2007! Have a Happy and Safe New Year!