Tale of a Big-Boned Gal

Story of a woman undergoing gastric bypass surgery.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Why I Love My New Job

So it's about 10 degrees here and it's been snowing since about 1 AM. I brought home my laptop from work and so I'm "working from home" today. I decided to take a lunch break and catch up on my blog.

So the idea of working from home once in a while when the weather's like this and gas is still $2.11 a gallon is one of the main reasons I love my job. There are many others:

- In the breakroom we have FREE coffee, hot water and teabags, and a filtered ice and water machine.

- In the women's bathroom there are FREE tampons and pads and tissues.

- The parking lot is paved (only MICA people will appreciate why this is a big deal)

- There is a security guard named George who greets you with a smile every morning. Since it's a secure building we have little badges that have electronic things that open the doors.

- There are other people in my department who know the same things I do! Like how to write an SQL query or Access VB script!

Of course there are some things that bug me about work...

- The Smoking Woman (akin to the smoking man from X-Files). She goes out to smoke about every 45 minutes. She uses the restroom and gets a drink and so really only works 45 minutes out of every hour. I'm not sure that's fair to us non-smokers, but then life and the universe aren't fair.

- The Balloon Lady. There is a lady who has balloons ALL the time. Not just for special occasions, these balloons. Her newest ones are star-shaped. I don't know why she has them, but she must really love balloons.

- There is a girl and a guy who work accross the "hallway" (it's actually open, but I call it the hallway). The guy comes up to the girl's desk and they go out (I'm assuming to smoke also). Sometimes they go get coffee together. I can't decide if they are having an affair (the girl has a wedding ring, the boy does not) or if they are just good friends. It's probably the latter. Kind of like me and Andy were at MICA.

- Why are there sombreros on top of some people's cabinets? I don't know. Laura says they were there when they moved in. I mentioned we should have a "Fiesta" sometime for lunch and make the guys wear those hats. She agreed. We're working out the details.

- Why is the ice and water machine in the breakroom so LOUD? I mean if you go there to eat, you can't really hear the TV (did I mention we have TV in the breakeroom? Another perk). And forget it if you're trying to make a phone call in there. Yikes.

- There are always interesting smells in my building. Sometimes it smells like Indian food (this happens alot). Usually there is a distinctive morning smell and afternoon smell. Yesterday, it smelled like cinnamon rolls in the morning and in the afternoon - sewer gas. Mmmm....

- Of course then there is the age-old question: "WHAT IS FOR LUNCH?" Eric used to do a phony MICA newspaper called the "MICA Tattler" where in every issue on the front in the list of articles, this question would appear. For me it's usually soup or a salad, sometimes a sandwich; cottage cheese; a banana; etc. Some people go out for lunch, and my boss, Scott, usually goes and gets a Subway sandwich that sits on his desk until about 3:00 pm when he gets to actually eat it.

All in all it's a fun place and I'm enjoying it.

Be safe and look for the next blog wherein I will discuss my theory on the Antichrist. I know Greg's looking forward to that one.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It took me until about the 3rd reason before I realized you were actually talking about your office and not about working from home. It was the cards and electronic beeps that gave it away. I thought, "Net doesn't have those in her house." Besides, the security guard at your house would've been named Totoro, not George. There are free tampons in your bathroom, right? :-)

11:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greg: I can always count on you to find the ray of sunshine in any situation! ie. The tampons are really free?????

I am also thankful that netty is not driving today as the 4 lane was ocvered in ice with snow blowing across it. Not fun!!!!

bye Net!


1:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Be careful about the "fag" comments you never know who's reading.....

1:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am waiting for your post on our NEW office building (no more free pads and tampons...). How long am I going to have to wait?? :) Love ya!

6:36 AM  

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