Well, I wouldn't call it "Super..."
So the bears lost. Oh well, at least they scored and how about that opening return for a touchdown? What a thrill! Then there were so many turnovers, I thought the Pillsbury Doughboy was playing! At least it wasn't the stupid Patriots again - fags...
Then before the game, there was this weird kind of opening ceremony - a la the Olympics - where the Cirq Du Soleil performed. It was kind of this weird, surreal faggy football ballet/circus act. I guess that's how the French see American Football...
The half-time show was a hit for me when Prince performed "Purple Rain" in the pouring rain. He was a blast! And yes, it's okay to have different guitars for different songs. The Prince "symbol" guitar was my favorite - especially when the curtain came up around him so it looked like he had a giant arrow for a [insert euphemism for male organ here].

Anyway I hosted a kick-ass Superbowl party nonetheless. Joe, Eric, Anita and Gregory came over for snacks and supper. It was a blast. I made my famous Aunt Nette's Black and Blue Division Cheese Soup (made with ham, 3 kinds of cheese, cayenne, mustard, and Texas Pete hot sauce - Yumm).

Also on the menu were authentic Chicago Style Dragged-Through-The-Garden Hot Dogs. I ordered poppy seed rolls from the Dahl's store in Johnston and picked them up on Friday. I couldn't get Vienna Beef dogs, so I settled for Hebrew National. They were all beef and kosher so they worked out great! I actually ate a better part of one of the dogs, but of course couldn't finish it. It was yummy though. The whole experience took me back to the wonderful day I spent in Chicago with Greg and Kimber trying out and rating the Chicago dogs. "Thanks fer stoppin'!"

For appetisers I made tiny pigs in blankets. I used Hormel Little Smokies cocktail sausages, and cut my Pillsbury Cresent rolls into fourths. I wrapped each smokie in the tiny cresent and baked 'em until GBD (Golden Brown and Delicious). I served them with a barbecue sauce and a creole mustard sauce. They went pretty fast.

Along with those things we had the usual chips and dip and dill pickle spears as nice accompaniments. Brownie sundaes for dessert were not turned away by anyone (except me of course).

All in all, it was a success - except for the actual result of the game. The Bears gave it a go and they lost. It's the way it is.
I have to apologize for taking so long to get a new post out. I have an entire list of topics so people get off my back!! I'm a working woman again and it's taking me some time to get into the routine and the commute. I do have some photos since it was requested. I'm down 148 pounds now - so I'm about 64% of the way to my desired weight. Not bad! Here is a photo of me from last Christmas (thanks Greg - this is the worst photo I have seen of myself for a long time) next to a cutout of me from this year's group shot. I was down 135 here so I'm a teeny bit skinnier, but not much.

So there you have it. Football season is over but we still have Spring to look forward to - only 4 more weeks (since Phil didn't see his shadow) and we'll be Ready to Mow the Grass Again (that's the new Barry Manilow song I just wrote to the tune of "Ready to Take a Chance Again") I'm weird - what can I say. Rachel and Greg know about the whole lyrics thing so they can explain it.
Have a good one! Stay warm!
It is too bad you chose words like fag and faggot in this post-maybe you should be more cognizant of who might be reading....
As an overweight or fat, obese, beefy*, big, blimp, brawny, broad, bulging, bulky, bull, burly, butterball*, chunky*, corpulent, cow, distended, dumpy, elephantine, fleshy, gargantuan, gross, heavy, heavyset*, hefty, husky, inflated, jelly-belly*, lard, large, meaty*, obese, oversize, paunchy, plump, plumpish, ponderous, porcine, portly, potbellied, pudgy*, roly-poly*, rotund, solid, stout, stubby, swollen, thickset*, tubby, weighty, whale person, you know all too well the negative thoughts and feelings hatred and bigotry cause. Your wording expresses this to gay people. I guess you get the drift...
Very disappointing for someone who has probably faced their own discrimination issues.
You stated that you enjoyed Princes' peformance, why didn't you call him a fag too?
His stage which is a sacred symbol to him; represents the integration of male and female sexuality.
Chose your expression carefully as you ARE on the World Wide Web.
"surreal faggy football ballet/circus act"
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