Mmmm, Misty Rose...
I received a lovely Christmas gift from my sister, Anita of a shower gel, perfume and lotion. It's a lovely gift. So tonight when I went to take a shower (I have a job interview tomorrow so I have to get up EARLY), I decided I'd like to try the shower gel. Of course I didn't decide this until I was already naked and in the shower. So I reach out and grab the tube of gel from the shelf.
Now, I think that stores should have a special section just for adults who have a problem with child-proof caps and what-not. They should be able to sell just a bottle of soap that you take the top off and you're ready to go. Unfortunately, I am not in charge of these sorts of decisions.
So I'm trying to get the damn bottle open, and there's a shrink wrap seal around the lid. Now, my Mom taught me by example that if you don't have a pair of scissors or a knife, it's okay, just use your teeth. That's the way we did things on the farm. So I start biting this plastic wrapping and things get a little out of hand and slippery and, well, the lid came off and I squirted about a tablespoon or better of liquid Misty Rose soap right into my mouth.

So I'm spitting the stuff out and cussing and I figured I'd just rinse with the shower. So I stuck the hand held shower into my mouth and my mouth foamed for about ten minutes straight.
Now, I have never had my mouth washed out with soap, but I can tell you that it is not a very pleasant experience. And even though the soap was a pretty pink color and smelled very nice, it tasted like crap.
So here's the moral of the story:
1. Don't wait until you're in the shower to open any bottles or tubes.
2. Don't try to open things with your teeth unless it's a life or death situation.
3. If you have children, PLEASE don't make them wash their mouths out with soap. Just live with the swearing.
ohhh poor you, lol, sorry but it was funny
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