The Person I LOST
My friend Jill said in a comment that she weighed 108 pounds when she graduated High School (thanks for the inspiration for this blog, Jill). So because I have now lost 120 pounds and that could easily be another person, this blog is about the person that I lost along the way.
The person I lost was Afraid. Afraid to go out in public. Afraid to go to movies because she didn't fit in the seat. Afraid to go to parties or social events where there might be people that she didn't know who might stare at her. Afraid to try physical things because she might fall, or worse, fail.
The person I lost was Angry. Angry because people stared and pointed at her. Angry at the universe because she was different than everyone else. Angry because sometimes her friends and family were embarrassed by her.
The person I lost was Greedy. She always ordered the item on the menu that would provide the most food. She never left food on her plate because that was a waste. She was a member of the Clean Plate Club for sure. She would sometimes hide candy and snacks so that visitors wouldn't eat her precious treats.
The person I lost was Ungrateful. Ungrateful of life's most simple pleasures like taking a walk in the crisp autumn air. Like being able to fasten her seat belt in a friend's car. Like having the most wonderful and supportive friends and family in the world. People who never judged her because of her size. People who loved her unconditionally.
Today I have lost alot of weight but have gained many things including confidence, fearlessness, self-esteem, and I am grateful for it. I'm grateful for the wonderful chance I have been given to live a life that will someday be free of prejudice and many medical problems. Grateful for my family and friends whom I love dearly.
So goodbye to that person I lost. Her name was Annette too, but more like the evil twin Annette with a mustache and goatee...

I won't miss evil Annette as long as Donna "Danger" Driver is still with us.
Happy to see you welcome beautiful and brave Annette who lived in the shadow of afraid Annette. I go to "Curves" where I exercise with lots of women of all ages, sizes, strength levels and backgrounds who like you are amazing and feel a kind of rebirth. Annette, keep letting the radiant "real you" shine! The true joy of life is in the journey.
I won't miss her either. Netty, I am sooooo proud of you. You know I can be a little overbearing with the health stuff, but I love you and for all you have gone thru I want you to be thin and healthy. And I heartily agree with Greg, "Dawna Danger" must never go away. And for the record, I have never been embarassed by you. I have, although, wanted to beat the crap out of some punk kids who open their mouths and bull%&&% falls out. That is why I now use a cane. So I can beat the crap out of stupid people and still keep my balance and look distinguished at the same time.
Today we are going to have some fun. I hope you find something extremely extravagant and sparkly to match your bubbly personality. I love you more everyday, seester!!!!!!!!!!
You are my hero.
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