Tale of a Big-Boned Gal

Story of a woman undergoing gastric bypass surgery.

Thursday, May 11, 2006


Okay, so it's now Thursday and only 5 days until the surgery. To say I'm a little nervous would be like saying George W Bush is a little dumb... I guess the thing that's worrying me the most isn't the actual surgery, or even the recovery in the ICU. It seems to be what's going to happen at work while I'm gone.

I know that sounds stupid. No one is irreplaceable. But then I'm a perfectionist, and when something doesn't go right, is incorrect, or takes a little longer to figure out, I'm a wreck. I have great people working for me too so I know that they can take care of things, it's just that there were so many things I wanted to get done before this happened, and it looks like they are not going to get done. I can work all weekend and into the night (like I have been this last week) but I'm not sure it will do any good.

So, officially, I'm letting go. Didn't someone once say "Let go and Let God...?" I like that saying but it's definitely easier said than done.

Having said that, I'm going to tell you about my pre-op interview on Tuesday of this week. Anita and I drove to Grinnell Tuesday morning. First, I did my pre-admission. Then we talked to the RN for what seemed to be about 16 hours. I know it wasn't that long because otherwise I would have had to use the restroom. After she told us everything... in detail... that would happen the day of the surgery and the 3 days after I'm supposed to stay (that's right - only THREE days), we talked to the anesthesiologist. I just love spelling that word. So he was a cute little Pakistan man and told me what would happen in the operating room while I was unconscious. He didn't mention they would be making fun of my hair or drawing mustaches on me with a Sharpee, so that's a good thing (although I know they do that).

Then I had an EKG, blood taken and then the Nutritionist came in. An almost intolerably happy person, this woman was pleased to talk ad nauseum (no joke intended) about the joys of pureed tuna and Whey Protein Isolate. So after I learned a few things from her (I actually did), it was down to X-ray where they must have been having an incentive day for how fast those girls could take x-rays! I was in and out in about 4 minutes!

So then we came back to Marshalltown, grabbed lunch, and then it was time to visit the family Doc for a little pre-op physical. My doctor, Dr. Demmel is so cute. He has a little bald head and he's really tall and he has a wonderful manner. When he talks to you he talks to you like an adult and looks you right in the eye. Anyway, we had a chat and after some additional poking and prodding I was deemed suitable for surgery. I paid my co-payment and went on my merry way.

It was an all-around lovely day of medical testing. I was exhausted! So now I'm sitting here thinking. I'm thinking about work. I'm thinking about the surgery. I'm thinking about not being able to eat a Peanut Buster Parfait ever again. I'm thinking about riding the new roller coaster at Six Flags Magic Mountain - Tatsu "Fly at the Speed of Fear" (62 mph, 11 foot drop, 4 inversions). http://www.sixflags.com/parks/magicmountain/index.asp

I think I can really do this. I'm going to do it. Stay tunes, the countdown is just starting...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Netto,

I'm hoisting the countdown ball even as I type!! I'm so excited for you. I hope your anesthesiologist takes pictures of you with a Sharpie mustache, it will go so well with the post op pic of you wearing your "kitty" T-Shirt. And three days is plenty of time. No one wants to spend that much time in Grinnell anyway :-). Don't forget to do a pedicure before surgery!! After Tuesday we'll let slip the balls of celebration!!!

6:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Net!

Good luck with everything. Sounds like your in good, steady hands. I'll be sending lots of healthy vibes your way through the week.


10:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

good luck girl. remember its a lot like flying - just get on the gurney and lie there. well thats not like flying thats get on the plane and sit there but you get it.

4:02 PM  

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